Genius Energy Solutions

3 Upgrades for your Home Electricity

In the modern world, where electricity powers almost every aspect of our lives, ensuring that your home’s electrical system is efficient, safe, and reliable is paramount. With electricity costs due to rise in the summer, it’s imperative to upgrade and reinforce your home electricity system in the cooler months. Whether you’re looking to reduce energy consumption, enhance convenience, or bolster safety measures, investing in the right upgrades can make a significant difference. Here are the top three electricity upgrades that can transform your home: 


Solar Energy 

Solar energy offers many benefits, making it an increasingly popular choice for homeowners and businesses. Solar energy helps to lower electricity bills by generating free and abundant power from sunlight, providing long-term savings on energy costs. Installing solar panels can increase the value of a property and contribute to energy independence, reducing dependence on the grid during peak demand periods or outages, especially in the summer months (meaning a lower chance of brownouts!). One significant advantage of going solar is the availability of various financial incentives, including federal and state tax credits, which can significantly offset the upfront costs of installation, making solar energy more accessible and affordable for homeowners and businesses. These tax credits provide a substantial incentive for transitioning to solar power, allowing individuals to recoup a portion of their investment while supporting the growth of renewable energy infrastructure. And, of course, solar power is a clean and renewable energy source, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating harmful carbon emissions, thus combating climate change and promoting environmental sustainability.  


Genius Energy Solutions is a leader in solar energy technology and installations. Give us a call for a free consultation for all your solar needs! Check out our article on the best  


Battery Technology 

Now that you have solar, you need someplace to store it. While benefiting the grid is a plus to cut down on power bills, having leftover energy is a must in the case of power outages or days with low solar production. Solar battery systems also increase power independence, which lowers power bills, and, depending on your setup, allows users to go completely off the grid. Check your home’s kWh usage before deciding, as homes use between 26 to 33 kWh per day. 


Energy Efficient Lighting and Smart Home Solutions 

Lighting is the leading use case for energy. Incandescent and Florescent lighting are the most common in homes, but don’t hold a candle to LED lighting. Incandescent lights are the worst among the three, only having around 750 hours of power, around a month of light. Florescent lights are better, lasting around 8,000 hours, almost a year’s worth of light. LEDs are the most efficient and sustainable option. LEDs last for around 25,000 hours, or around 3 years, and cost less. If you were to light all three for 25,000 hours, the costs would vary drastically on average, as the table below shows. 








(Data courtesy 


While LEDs are a tad more expensive than other options, typically running around $4 per bulb, the upfront cost is worth it in comparison to the replacement and energy costs of other options. Many bulbs even function as their own smart home hubs, which can increase power efficiency. 

Other Smart Home devices can help you save power. Smart thermostats control your home’s temperatures and only turn on heating and cooling while you are home. Smart lighting hubs allow for timers and remote controls and give readouts of power consumption. Smart video doorbells usually utilize batteries to save on power while increasing home security. Smart plugs can turn any appliance, space heater, humidifier, or even Christmas Trees into smart, power-saving utilities. Smart sprinkler controllers can decrease power and water usage while watering your lawn on schedule, as well as putting an end to the confusing sprinkler computing devices that are common in most homes.  

These upgrades can bring power independence to any home. At Genius Power Solutions, we are here for every step of your solar, power, or energy journey, from initial calls and installation to maintenance and updates, to everything in between. Ready to revolutionize your home, save money, and go green? Give us a call or visit our website  to schedule a free consultation today! 

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